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4 Social Media Tips for Personal Injury Claimants

Individual on facebook on their laptop and also texting on their phone

If you were seriously hurt in some kind of accident, it’s only natural to turn to your friends and followers on social media for support. Before you post about your injuries, though, you should consider the ramifications of doing so.

If you intend to file a personal injury claim, your social media content could be used as evidence against you. For this reason, personal injury attorneys usually advise their clients to deactivate their profiles for as long as their case is pending.

If you cannot do so for personal or professional reasons, follow these tips to avoid jeopardizing your claim:

1. Update Your Privacy Settings

Make sure only approved friends or followers can see what you publish. While the opposing party may still be able to access certain posts through third-party connections or by some other means, this will provide an added layer of protection.

Until your case has been resolved, it’s also wise to avoid accepting requests from anyone whom you don’t recognize. Otherwise, you could unknowingly grant the opposing party easy access to your profiles.

2. Avoid Posting About the Case

Your friends and followers might send you messages or post comments about your medical condition. Some may even try to offer legal advice; however, you should not engage in any discussions regarding the accident, your injuries, or the direction in which you intend to take the case. This could tip off the opposing party, thereby making it easier for them to build a compelling defense against your claim.

3. Avoid Posting About Your Everyday Life

Publishing images or videos of outings or social events you’ve attended could lead the opposing party to question the severity of your injuries. They might also argue that you have failed to mitigate the damages by ignoring your doctor’s instruction to rest.

4. Remind Loved Ones of Your Pending Claim

If your friends and relatives are active on social media, ask them to leave you out of their posts for the time being. The opposing party may be monitoring their online activity for posts that can be used to challenge your claim.

What Else Can I Do to Strengthen My Case?

Staying off social media isn’t the only way to contribute to your legal team’s efforts. Other ways to increase your chances of winning a settlement or verdict include:

  • Keeping a personal injury journal in which you write detailed entries about your physical, emotional, and mental health following the accident;
  • Tracking economic damages by keeping receipts and invoices;
  • Refusing to provide a recorded statement to the insurance company; and
  • Following your doctor’s orders.

Discuss Your Claim with a Personal Injury Attorney in Rapid City

If you were seriously hurt through no fault of your own, contact Beardsley, Jensen & Lee, PLLC to determine the most strategic way to proceed. We have recovered more than $15 million in successful settlements and trial verdicts on behalf of our clients. Call (605) 777-7466 or fill out our contact form to schedule a free consultation with a personal injury lawyer in Rapid City.
