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What Factors Determine Whether an Injury is Catastrophic?

Doctors rush a patient on a hospital bed to an operating room

Some injuries are so severe that they are considered catastrophic. But what does it mean for an injury to be classified as catastrophic?

Catastrophic injuries are those that have a long-term and often life-altering impact on the victim. There are many factors that can contribute to whether an injury is classified as catastrophic.

In this blog post, we will discuss some of the most important determining factors. We will also explore the different types of damages that may be available to victims of catastrophic injuries.

If you or a loved one has suffered a catastrophic injury, it is important to speak with an experienced personal injury lawyer from our team here at Beardsley, Jensen & Lee as soon as possible.

The Determining Factors of Catastrophic Injuries

One of the most important factors in determining whether an injury is catastrophic is its severity. Catastrophic injuries are typically described as those that result in permanent disability, disfigurement, or death.

Examples include traumatic brain injuries, spinal cord injuries, broken bones, burn injuries, and amputations. A severe injury does not necessarily have to be permanent for it to be considered catastrophic; however, it should cause a significant disruption in a person’s life that requires extensive medical care and rehabilitation.

Another factor that plays a role in classifying an injury as catastrophic is the cost of medical care associated with treating the injury. Catastrophic injuries often require multiple surgeries, long-term hospital stays, rehabilitation services, home health aides, and other medical expenses.

Lastly, the impact that a catastrophic injury has on the victim’s quality of life should also be considered. Catastrophic injuries can lead to severe physical and emotional trauma, loss of independence, and financial strain. All of these factors must be taken into account when determining whether an injury is classified as catastrophic.

Damages Available for Victims of Catastrophic Injuries

Victims of catastrophic injuries may be able to receive compensation for their significant losses through a personal injury lawsuit or settlement. Depending on the circumstances of the case, damages may include medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering, emotional distress, loss of enjoyment in life, disfigurement, and other punitive damages. Victims may also be entitled to future damages, such as ongoing medical care or lost earning capacity, if the injury is permanent.

It is important to note that the damages available for catastrophic injuries typically depend on the specific facts of each case. An experienced personal injury lawyer here at Beardsley, Jensen & Lee will be able to evaluate your case and advise you on the best course of action.

We're Here to Help with Your Catastrophic Injury Case

As you know, catastrophic injuries can have a devastating impact on victims and their families. Victims may be able to receive compensation for their losses through a personal injury lawsuit or settlement. If you or someone you know has suffered a catastrophic injury, it is important to seek legal advice right away, as there is a time limit on these types of cases.

The statute of limitations for catastrophic personal injury cases in South Dakota is three years from the date the injury occurred. That means you have just three years to file your case before it expires. After the three years have passed, you will be unable to submit your case for consideration, otherwise, it will almost certainly be thrown out.

Don’t delay—reach out to our skilled team right away with any questions you may have about your case or the legal process in general. We will do everything in our power to help you now.

Call our firm or fill out the online contact form today for a free case evaluation at (605) 777-7466. Choose a skilled personal injury team that truly cares about you and your best interests.
