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3 Tips for Passing Large Trucks

Truck Driving

Large trucks can be intimidating to drive around, especially when you are not familiar with the rules and regulations for passing them. At Beardsley, Jensen & Lee, we understand the importance of safety and want to provide you with some helpful tips for passing large trucks on the road.

1. Check Your Blind Spots

One of the most important things to do when passing a large truck is to check your blind spots. Trucks have large blind spots on the sides and rear, so it’s important to make sure that you can see the truck driver in the side mirrors before you attempt to pass. If you can’t see the driver, then it’s best to wait until you can.

2. Pass Quickly and Safely

Once you’ve checked your blind spots, you can begin to pass the truck. It’s important to do this quickly and safely. Accelerate quickly and pass the truck on the left side, as this is the safest way to pass. Make sure that you have enough room to pass the truck before you begin and that you can see the truck driver in the side mirrors at all times.

3. Give the Truck Room to Move

Once you’ve passed the truck, it’s important to give the truck plenty of room to move. Large trucks need more room to turn and maneuver than smaller vehicles, so make sure that you give the truck plenty of space when you pass. If you don’t, you risk the truck clipping your vehicle or running you off the road.

Rapid City Truck Accident Attorney

At Beardsley, Jensen & Lee, we understand the importance of safety when it comes to passing large trucks on the road. Contact our team today at (605) 777-7466 to learn more about our services and how we can help you stay safe on the road.