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Time Limits on Personal Injury Cases


Personal injury cases can be complex and overwhelming, especially if you're unsure of the time limits that apply to them. It's important to understand that every state has its laws governing how long you have to file a personal injury lawsuit, and failing to meet those time limits could cost you your case entirely.

Statute of Limitations Explained

The time limit for filing a personal injury lawsuit is determined by the statute of limitations (SOL), which varies depending on the state and type of injury. SOL is a legal term that refers to the maximum time you have to file a lawsuit from the date you were injured. The time starts ticking right from the day of the accident, injury, or discovery of the injury; it is therefore essential to act as fast as possible and consult a personal injury lawyer.

Reasons for Time Limitations

There is a good reason why time limits on personal injury cases are in place. The essence of personal injury cases is to help the injured party recover compensation, medical expenses, and other related costs. Therefore, placing the time restrictions forces victims to act promptly and reduces the chance of false accusations and fraudulent claims, as any evidence and the accident's details can remain fresh and clear.

What Happens When You Miss The Deadline?

After the statute of limitation expires, your chances of winning a case can be significantly reduced or overruled. When you miss the deadline, the court will throw out your case for lack of jurisdiction, and you will be barred from ever filing a lawsuit on the same injury in the future. Therefore, it is important to ensure you understand when the deadline applies and to take action if you believe you have a personal injury case.

How to Protect Your Rights?

The best way to protect your rights and increase your chances of receiving compensation is to work with an experienced personal injury lawyer. They can help you analyze and evaluate your case and determine the best course of action, including your state's applicable statute of limitations. An attorney can also effectively negotiate with insurance carriers and other parties involved in your case to make sure you receive fair compensation for your injuries.

Rapid City Personal Injury Lawyer

At Beardsley, Jensen & Lee, we specialize in workers' compensation cases and understand the significance of time limits. Our team of skilled attorneys is dedicated to helping injured workers navigate the legal process effectively. Contact us today at (605) 777-7466 to ensure you meet all necessary time limits and receive the compensation you deserve.
